Art Lee Bivens is an Atlanta based artist for over 30 years. Artist to the Stars, World Champion Athletes, Fortune 500 companies, the US Air Force, F22 Raptor and much more.
Creator of the world finest night sky mural* His works are part of numerous world class art collections and dozens of museums. Nearly 60,000 people have collected Lee's art world wide. High end commission work possible. |
Lee Bivens is lead artistic designer for computer anumators, Animation Artisans.
Visit Lee's motorcycle racing and ART page! Well known in the motorcycle racing community as artist and National Champion road racer. Lee rides MX competitively to this day. He is also Daytona International Speedways official artist since 1991 as well as manufacturers, major racers and promoters world wide. Please call to discuss your exciting art project.

AVAILABLE: "Greatest 56 athletes of all time" historical time line mural on canvas. 5' x 45' Contact for pricing
INDIAN Motorcycle brand official artist!
muralist commission portrait artist murals motorcycle road racing motocross honda yamaha ducati leonardo davinci michaelangelo monet atlanta georgia USA Billy Idol pam anderson paris hilton braves dale earnhardt ferrari lamborghini daytona speedway home decor hollywood star sky trump new york art gallery show Art Basil miami art gallery air force